小米MIX 2S怎么样?外媒是这样评论的!可以对标_国际新闻

小米MIX 2S怎么样?外媒是这样评论的!可以对标

国际新闻 2022-11-23 09:59www.worldometers.cn最新国际新闻

  原标题:小米MIX 2S怎么样?外媒是这样评论的!可以对标iPhone X吗?

  在本月27号,小米与上海发布小米新品:小米mix2s 。可以说这又是一款水桶机,无论是拍照还是配置,在目前手机技术前可以说都是顶配级别的了。尤其是拍照可以对标iPhone x,但是相比于当天晚上发布的华为新品来说,在拍照方面又有点逊色。但是,这也仅仅是拍照而已。在网德国双元制前期的文章中,提到了我们国内的一些媒体对于小米这款新品的看法。参看点这里《小米:专业评测媒体机构是这样看待小米MIX 2S的,你认为对吗?》那么,在国外一些媒体又是怎么看待小米这款产品呢?下面我们一起看下!


  Xiaomi takes on iPhone X with new device at half the price.The phone -- on paper -- sports many of the bells and whistles familiar to power users but is about half the iPhone X’s price tag.

  彭博新闻社:小米用 产品、一半的价格挑战iPhone X


  That a Xiaomi camera can hold its own against the newest Apple phone is a win in itself, because previous Xiaomi phone cameras definitely wasn't in the same league as iPhone's consistently good camera. In low light, the Mi Mix 2S even beats the iPhone X.

  福布斯:这次小米能够和iPhone X并驾齐驱本身就是个胜利,因为小米手机以往的相机跟苹果水平稳定的好相机无法可比。可是小米MIX 2S在暗光条件下甚至比iPhone X还要出色。


  One of Apple's largest rivals in China, Xiaomi, just announced the Mi MIX 2S, its answer to the iPhone X. It will cost 3,299 yuan ($527) in China, less than half the cost of the iPhone X (8,388 yuan, or $1,335.)

  小米作为苹果在中国的最大竞争对手之一,刚刚宣布了小米MIX 2S,对iPhone X的对标产品。中国的售价仅是苹果的一半。

  Digital Trends:

  It’s tough not to be impressed by the complete package that the Xiaomi Mi Mix 2S is offering at that price…

  小米MIX 2S如此完整的性能和这样的价位,想不动心都很难


  Even if it isn’t dramatically different from last year’s Mi Mix 2, it still blends excellent performance with sleek ceramic body and impeccable attention to detail.

  尽管这款机器与去年的小米MIX 2并没有太大差别,这款新品依然融合了流畅的陶瓷机身和对细节无比苛刻的追求。

  Android Central:

  In short, the Mi Mix 2S is the fastest Xiaomi phone I've used by some margin. Just using the Mi Mix 2S next to the Snapdragon 835-powered Mix 2 is enough to see the leaps and bounds by which MIUI has improved in six months.

  简而言之,小米MIX 2S是小米最快的手机。与上一代搭载骁龙835的MIX 2相比已经可以看到差距,也可以看到MIUI在过去六个月有多大进步。



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