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学校名称:海德堡大学 Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
学历:本科 研究生 网络课程 






  There are two medical faculties at Heidelberg University. The high standard of research and training combines with a highly performative patient care based on the newest scientific advances.

  Medical faculty Heideberg

  First of all, I would like to thank you for your interest in the Medical Faculty of Heidelberg, the oldest in Germany. The over 600 years of education and research in medicine have multiple implications for our faculty: tradition, experience, and a deep founded responsibility to conquer the incredible challenges that medicine of the 21st century presents.







  The medical faculty has prepared itself for these challenges in multiple ways: the establishment of central scientific institutions, of focus points in research, and of internal promotion and support of innovative research groups. This all taking place in a very enlivening and interactive environment, surrounded by internationally recognized research institutions, such as the

  · German Cancer Research Center

  · ZMBH

  · Heidelberg University Biochemistry Center

  · Max-Planck-Institute for Medical Research and

  · The European Molecular Biology Laboratory









  All of these things play their part in guaranteeing Heidelberg Medical School a continued place among internationally renowned educational and researchinstitutions.

  New structuring of the training of medical and dental students at our university, based on the close cooperation with national and international universities, has placed emphasis on small group lectures, a closer integration of our teaching hospitals, and the inclusion of general practitioners' practices in the medical education in Heidelberg. All of these things work together to promote our rising generation of medical professionals, making it possible for them to stand up to the challenges of the ever growing field of medical knowledge. The high standards in medical education and research here in Heidelberg, head to head with the newest developments, ultimately have the goal of maximal quality in patient care, harmonizing with the general goal of medicine that has spanned millennia: to heal diseases and to alleviate suffering.



  Prof. Dr. Claus R. Bartram



  Claus R. Bartram教授


  Medical faculty Mannheim


  Welcome to our website. Thank you for your interest in wanting to learn more about the Medical Faculty Mannheim at Heidelberg University.

  Together with the Medical Centre, our faculty forms theUniversitätsMedizinMannheim - UMM. It was created in 1964 as second medical faculty of Heidelberg University. Originally it had a purely clinical focus but in 2006, the Medical Faculty Mannheim was transformed into a comprehensive medical faculty covering both pre-clinical and clinical training. It now offers an innovative curriculum for medical students from year one - which is named in short: MaReCuM.







  Our medical curriculum is based on an interdisciplinary and integrative approach to teaching and has proved successful right from the start. Our students achieved high scores in the M1 (the Part 1 of the nationwide state examination for medicine), ranking in the top five among the 34 medical faculties in Germany. We also secured a top position in the student-centred national ranking by CHE (Centre for Higher Education Development), which underscores that our students do not only perform well in exams, but are also pleased with the quality of their learning environment.




  In addition to medicine, our faculty offers various Master level programmes in fields closely linked to medicine. At the moment we offer: Medical Physics; Health Economics andTranslational Medical Research. All three are taught in English and are internationally-oriented, and supported via a worldwide partnership network.

  Research activities at our Medical Faulty Mannheim are primarily focussed on four thematic areas: Oncology, Neuronal Plasticity, Vascular Medicine and Medical Technology. The active participation of almost all clinics and institutes of the faculty in these areas reflect the strong interdisciplinary approach of our research. This is further strengthened through cooperation with the University of Mannheim, the University of Applied Sciences Mannheim, the German Cancer Research Centre (DKFZ), the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), Max-Planck-Institute (MPI) for Medical Research and our sister medical faculty in Heidelberg, to name only a few.




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