

国际新闻 2022-11-23 16:56www.worldometers.cn最新国际新闻
 The German word "Fluechtlinge," which means "refugees" in English, was named "Word of the Year 2015" in the German language, the Society for the German Language (GfdS) announced Friday.
  As an annual tradition, linguists of the GfdS Friday released the top ten words and phrases in news reports in Germany this year, choosing from around 2,500 proposals.
  作为一年一度的传统, GFDs语言学家于星期五公布了2015年排名前十的单词和短语,他们是从当年的新闻报道中大约2500个备选词汇里脱颖而出。
  "Fluechtlinge" won the title not only because it was the dominant theme of the year, but also because the word is linguistically interesting, the linguists said.
  The phrase "Je suis Charlie" ("I’m Charlie"), a slogan chanted by the public after the January terror attack targeting the editorial offices of the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo which killed 12 people, ranked number two on the list.
  词组"Je suis Charlie" 在英语中意为“我是沙尔利”,名列热词榜第二。它是讲1月份法国讽刺杂志《沙尔利周刊》办公室遭遇恐怖袭击,12人遇难的事件,“我是沙尔利”成了一个被公众吟唱来表示抗议恐怖暴行的口号。
  "Grexit" came in third. A combination of the English word for "Greek" and "exit," it reminded people of the severity of Greece’s sovereign debt crisis during the first half of 2015, as whether the country would exit the eurozone remained a pressing question then.
  "Grexit" 排在第三。它是英语单词“Greek”希腊和“exit”退出的合成词。希腊最终是否退出欧元区仍然是一个紧迫的问题,这个词让人们记住2015年上半年希腊的主权债务危机的严重程度。
  This is the 40th time that the GfdS has announced "Words of the Year." Instead of frequency, the main criteria for choosing the words are the significance and popularity of the words, the GfdS said.

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