
出国留学 2022-11-23 19:08www.worldometers.cn出国留学咨询

  亚琛工业大学(简称RWTH Aachen)位于北莱茵-威斯特法伦州,是最负盛名的理工科大学之一,也是世界顶尖理工科大学之一。


  2005年,据德国《焦点周刊》的大学排名,亚琛工业大学再次蝉联德国工科大学的排名首位。排名得分从9个方面进行考察,其中包括师生比例、学习时间、第三方资助率、读博比例、科研成果等。在电气工程学专业方面,亚琛工业大学以69分的得分排名。在机械制造专业,亚琛工业大学的得分(76分)也远远领先其他学校。建筑工程专业排名第二 。一流的教育水平造就了一流的学校,现在许多外国著名公司如爱立信、福特、飞利浦、联合科技等都在亚琛建立了分部,三菱也在亚琛附近建立了它的欧洲半导体中心以吸收人才,微软的德国研究院也设在亚琛。

  亚琛工业大学现为11所德国“精英大学”之一 、4所欧洲顶尖理工类大学的战略联盟(IDEA联盟)、9所德国理工大学联盟(TU9联盟)之一、TIME欧洲顶尖工业管理者高校联盟德国七所高校之一。



  Philipp Lenard – 诺贝尔物理学奖 1905

  Wilhelm Wien – 诺贝尔物理学奖 1911

  Johannes Stark – 诺贝尔物理学奖 1919

  Peter Debye – 诺贝尔化学奖 1936

  Karl Ziegler – 诺贝尔化学奖 1963

  Thomas Südhof – 诺贝尔生理学或医学奖 2013


  Peter R. Sahm – 铸造科学 1986

  Norbert Peters – 燃烧工程1990

  Dieter Enders – 有机化学1993

  Siegfried Bethke – 基本粒子物理学1995

  Wolfgang Marquardt – 过程工程 2001

  Wolfgang Dahmen – 数学 2002

  Dierk Raabe – 材料科学 2004

  Martin Beneke – 理论粒子物理 2008

  Leif Kobbelt – 计算机图形及多媒体 2013

  Rainer Waser – 材料科学和纳米电子学2013


  Bodo von Borries – Professor of Electrical Engineering, co-inventor of electron microscope

  Philipp Forchheimer (1852–1933) Civil Engineering

  Otto Intze – Professor of Hydraulic engineering

  Theodore von Kármán – Pioneer of modern Aerodynamics;航空航天时代的科学奇才,火箭之父,钱伟长、钱学森的导师

  Georg Menges – Former leader of Institute for Plastics engineering and creator of Georg-Menges Prize

  Herwart Opitz – Professor of Machine tools and Production engineering

  Jesco von Puttkamer – Rocket engineer, space exploration technology

  August Ritter – Professor of Mechanics and Astrophysics

  F.A.F. Schmidt – Professor of Internal combustion engines

  Rolf Gpfert – Architect

  JB Mangun Wijaya – Indonesian architect and novelist


  Hans Günther Aach - Botanist, former director of the Botanical Institute

  Friedrich Asinger - Chemist, former director of the Institute for Technical and Petrol Chemistry

  Otto Blumenthal – Mathematician

  Martin Bojowald – Physicist

  Martin Wilhelm Kutta – Mathematician

  Hans von Mangoldt – Mathematician

  Friedrich Robert Helmert – Mathematician and Geodesist

  Helmut Zahn – Chemist, first synthesis of insulin

  Hans-Harald Bolt – Director of the Max-Planck Institute for Plasma Physics

  Herbert Capellmann - Physicist

  Stefan Kuetter - Physician, general practitioner

  Volker Dohm - Physicist, recipient of the Walter Schottky award

  Ubbo Felderhof- Physicist

  Wilhelm Keim – Chemist, former director of the Institute for Technical and Petrol Chemistry

  Otto Lehmann – Father of liquid crystal research

  Dieter Vollhardt - Physicist, recipient of the Max-Planck medal

  Walter Metzner – CEO of the Max-Planck Institute for Solid State Research

  Claus Müller – Mathematician

  Horst Niemeyer – Mathematician

  Dierk Raabe – Director of the Max-Planck Institute for Iron Research

  Friedrich Schlgl - Physicist

  Arne Stahl - Physicist

  Thomas Thiemann – Physicist

  Ranga Yogeshwar – Physicist and science journalist

  Lu Yongxiang – President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

  Arnold Sommerfeld – Professor of applied mathematics, 1900–1906. Famous physicist

  Rudolf Schulten (1923–1996) Physicist and father of the Pebble bed reactor


  Walter Biemel – Philosopher

  Arnold Gehlen – Sociologist

  Hans Glinz – Germanist and Linguist

  Lutz F. Hornke – Psychological Assessment, Organizational Psychology

  Klaus Mehnert – Journalist and Professor of political science

  Hartwig Neumann (1942–1992) Historian for old buildings and fortresses


  Necmettin Erbakan – 土耳其首相

  Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie – 印度尼西亚总统 (1998-1999)

  Ulrich Daldrup – Professor of International Law, former Mayor of the City of Aachen

  Ulla Schmidt – Politician, Federal minister

  Rangin Dadfar Spanta – 阿富汗国务大臣 (since March 2006)

  Ena von Baer – Chilean journalist, politician, ministry of Segegob (March 2010 - July 2011), designated Senator (July 2011 to date)

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