
出国留学 2022-11-24 06:50www.worldometers.cn出国留学咨询
楼主现居巴塞罗那,欧洲第二大城市,好像第一是巴黎,巴萨的主要大学包括UB UAB UPF UPC等。其中UPC的中国留学生最少,原因很简单,全都是理工科啊!中国学生不爱来啊!死难死难的啊!男女比例也是失衡,我这学期的六门课里,有两门课都只有我一个女的。当然,我就在UPC,伤心o(╥﹏╥)o学分修的不够,要被劝退呀,哎。对了,还有一个好处,帅哥是真的多,不管你喜欢的类型是哪种,我相信只要你没瞎,你都能在校园里遇到。很不要脸的说一句,我,还曾被搭讪,当然是刚开学那一会了。现在已经被学习压弯了腰,没有小哥哥搭讪我,落泪。
Main requirements(主要要求):
National visa application form filled out in block capitals or typed and signed by the applicant. Copy of the first page of the application form which will be stamped by the consular office and returned to the applicant as a receipt. It must include some contact information. It is advisable that a contact telephone number and the e-mail address appear next to the applicant’s address.(切记:申请表的第一页是需要复印的!因为你的材料被领事馆收走以后,第一页会返回给你作为到时候取签证的一个凭证,会给你盖个章。因为时间有点久了,虽然我翻箱倒柜找,但却是是找不到我当时的那个申请表第一页了,而且上面有太多的个人信息,不便透露) 截图是我当时写邮件过去要清单的,给出邮箱地址:complaints@blsinternational.net
Two recent passport-size color photograph with white background.(这个很简单啦,就是护照大小的白底照片,但是说真的别修的太厉害,我当时去办签证的时候看到一个妹子拿的,白人对黄种人脸盲,你修成那样,人家不认识啊。就好像我对白人也脸盲是一样一样的。)
Hukou or residence permit in China, original and photocopy of all the pages, with Spanish translation. (这就是所说的户口本复印件,原件,翻译件。我不知道为什么这里写西班牙语翻译件,但是我当时用的是英文的,网上很多的翻译模板,可以随便下载,把自己的信息填进去就可以。)给出样图。如果实在是高位截瘫不想动手的小伙伴,随便找个淘宝翻译都能做,只是我觉得这东西简单 没必要。
Documentary accreditation of having been admitted to carry out an activity for this type of visa specified in article 38.1 letters a.b and c of the R.D. 557/2011.
In the case of realization of non-work placements, letter d), the applicant must show documentary evidence that he has been admitted to carry out unremunerated training on the basis of the signing of an agreement, in a public or private Company or in an officially recognized Vocational Training Centre.
In the case of the provision of a voluntary service, letter e), the applicant must submit an agreement signed with the organization in charge of the volunteer program, including a description of the activities and the conditions for carrying them out, the schedule to be fulfilled, as well as the resources available to cover your trip, food and lodging during your stay. The organization must have subscribed liability insurance for its activities.
The certificate of applicant’s academic qualification submitted must be translated and legalized. As well as accrediting a student profile. (这个主要说的就是你的录取通知书原件了。其他学校我不是很清楚,但是UPC的话你拿到录取之后,学校统一邮寄都得三个月的时间,老外的办事效率你懂的。因为我当时时间比较紧张,等三个月的话签证来不及了。费劲千辛万苦,联系到了学长,自己写了邮件给教务处,注明录取信请人去拿,邮件里里面一定要给出去拿的那个人的身份信息,护照也行,学生卡也行,NIE卡也行,否则老外不给你的。还有就是你的学位证和毕业证必须交给公证机构进行翻译公证,做成公证书。因为我的本科院校是吉林大学,而我家是浙江的,我当时打电话问我家这里的公证单位,说是翻译加上公证需要一个月的时间,真是够了。来不及。跨省调取学信网档案非常的慢。于是打电话给长春的公证处,表示说最多一周就能做好,果断下手。还好有同学在长春,于是写好委托书然后把自己的学历证书这些快递过去。顺丰速运,第二天就到了,天朝物流是真的方便。这个地方的话还需要你写一份study plan.你就只要情真意切描述你要在那里如何如何的认真学习,你多么多么向往那样的一个学习氛围,录取的学校和专业有多优秀。一定要强调学成后你要回国!!!!报效你的祖国,可千万别写你要留在那里了!!!就算你想留下也要隐藏你的真实想法。)
Valid Passport or travel document recognized as valid in Spain with a minimum validity for the entire period for which the visa is requested and at least two blank pages. (这就是护照了,感觉没什么可啰嗦的。)
Criminal record certificate/s issued by the authorities from the applicant’s country/ies of residence for the last five years, translated into Spanish and dully legalized.(Only over 14 years old). (你要去总要证明你在中国没有过犯罪的过去。去你自己的户籍所在地派出所开,就说你要一个无犯罪记录的证明。这个地方我不得不说一点。如果你在派出所没有熟人,开一个这个证明得十个工作日。当然如果有的话,去派出所喝杯茶,证明也就到手了。当时我是给我爸打电话说的这件事,因为老爸刚好认识我们街道的派出所所长,所以去喝杯茶给我开了一个证明,注意此证明是中文版本的,没有英语!拿到这个证明以后,一样的需要送去公证机构,做成公证书文件。)
Medical certificate, translated into Spanish and dully legalized, stating that it does not suffer from any of the serious diseases for public health according to the International Health Regulation (2005) with a similar format:
“THIS CERTIFICATE PROVES THAT THE MR./MRS. DOES NOT SUFFER FROM ANY OF THE DISEASES THAT COULD HAVE A SERIOUS IMPLICATION FOR PUBLIC HEALTH, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE INTERNATIONAL HEALTH REGULATION 2005.”(医学证明,简单来说就是证明你没病,没有传染病,你脑子有病,他们不管,好的吧。一定要有后面的这句英文的话。就是什么2005年这话。上海地区的话,上海是有几家指定医院做这个体检的,收费的话是我没记错的话是两千块左右,但是每次一到就是签证这个时间段,做体检的人真不是一般的多,所以长点心孩子们,早点预约!!!!!!微信关注公众号就能约!!当然也是由于时间问题,我当时的预约都排到了八月16号了,妥妥的来不及,毕竟我还得公证啊,双认证啊一堆事。后来我发现我家的金华涉外体检的地方就可以做这个体检,人少!当天出报告!才五百块钱!!!关键这地方离我家好近,开车五分钟!赶紧回金华做。一堆的项目,别吃早饭。)
The applicant must prove an amount that represents the 100% of IPREM for his/her cost of living.
For dependent relatives, a monthly quantity of 75% of the IPREM for the first dependent and the 50% for each of the rest, or its equivalent in foreign currency, unless that it is dully proven that the accommodation is paid in advance for the entire duration of the stay.
In case it is a student mobility program, it must include provisions that guarantee that the support of the foreigner is insured within it.
Accreditation of the availability of sufficient financial means for subsistence during the time of stay in Spain may be done by submitting one of the following documents translated into Spanish:
a) Salary certificate of the last six months.
b) Proofs of additional income (income from leasing, income from bank deposits, income from company shares, etc.)
c) Bank certification with the bank account movements of the last 6 months.
d) Scholarship or financial aid.
e) Any other document that the applicants considers relevant in order to prove his/her financial means. (资金。留学圈绕不过的最大的一个问题。因为这几年就是大家的资金提供能力水涨船高,我又非常的害怕就是被拒签,所以也是铆足了劲的提供资金证明。当时我给出的包括,两台车,一台我爸爸的,一台我妈妈的,自住房产一套,银行流水单,我爸一份,我妈一份,是我给了一年的流水单。同时提供了一百万的余额保障。还有就是爸妈工作单位开的在职证明,上面一定要写月收入的啊。要是家里是开店的话,提供营业执照,自己翻译一下,都行的。让人家知道你们是有稳定经济来源的!当然请不要以为我很有钱,我在欧洲吃土,救救孩子吧。)
All risks coverage of the health care of the applicant and the dependents, without copay.(医疗保险,这个的话,淘宝就有卖的,直接搜西班牙留学保险,我当时直接买了一年,还包括的遗体遣送服务。当然,我是不可能客死他乡的咯。)
The accommodation will be accredited by presenting one of the following documents, all of which must include the exact address:
a) Certificate of the Residence Hall or Residence.
b) Any other document that proves the accommodation, as a rental contract.(住家证明。我觉得最麻烦的就是这东西,你人在国内,要找国外的房子同时做出来证明很麻烦,而且很多的房东不帮你弄,觉得太麻烦了。因为你要提供房东的护照以及居留,还有就是房产的详细信息,租房合同这些。当然了,在我天朝无所不能,有两个很方便的解决方法。第一申请学校的宿舍,当然宿舍是非常非常非常非常昂贵的,就申请一个月,学校就会给你一个住宿的一个证明,你就不用费心去搞了。我当时本来也是想走这条路,可是呢国外学校宿舍的申请是有优先级的,我这种一个月的申请优先级就是最低的,根本申请不到,所以,死路一条。第二,买假证明,我当时是150欧元一份,别小看这个证明,供不应求的好吧。其实也不能说是假证明吧,就是说,你其实没在那个人家里住,但是呢他给你一个证明说你在他家住,这个房东呢,这个房子呢全都是真实存在的。很多人那个房子啊,就是不出租的,自己住,偶尔卖一下这种的,很畅销,好像行情每年都上涨。)
• In the case of specialized studies in the health field, applicants must prove they are awarded a place under the provisions of Royal Decree 1146/2006, 6th of October, which regulates the special employment relationship of residence for the training of specialists in Health Sciences.
• All the documentation submitted to apply for a visa that requires translation and legalization, must be translated into Spanish before notary public, and legalized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in China and the General Consulate of Spain in Shanghái. The double legalization must be requested at the local Foreign Office of China, once the first legalization is done, the document will be sent by the body to the General Consulate of Spain in Shanghái for its second legalization. The collection of the document will be carried out at the local Foreign Office by the applicant.
• Documents without the translation and legalization of the original documents will not be accepted
• Original and copies of the original documents must be presented.
• During the course of the report, this General Consulate may make the comparison and, when necessary, maintain a personal interview to identify their identity, the arrival of the documentation and the veracity of the reason for the visa application.
• Medical certificate and criminal record certificate cannot be valid for more than three months.
• The submission of false documents will be brought to the attention of the competent authorities.
• Passport will be delivered to the applicant through EMS Courier Company, upon payment of 30 RMB through Alipay to the aforementioned company, 40 RMB if the address is outside Shanghái. Payment will be made at the moment of the visa application at the General Consulate.
• The payment of the visa fee will be made in cash, credit cards or other means of payments are not accepted.
• Likewise, once the visa has been collected, the applicant must enter Spanish territory within the validity period of the visa.
• Photocopies of passports and, of all the documents in which can be possible, must be submitted double-sided so they occupy the smallest possible volume.
• Minors who want to study in Spain without their parents, they must take a Notary Certificate of authorization in which they authorize their child to study in Spain, indicating the study center where the child will study and the length of the period, in addition to designating a guardian who will take care of the minor during his stay in Spain. The Notary Certificate of authorization must be dully legalized and translated into Spanish.
• In addition, the tutor designated by the parents must indicate their agreement by means of a Notary Certificate of authorization stating that they will be the guardian and responsible for the minor in Spain
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