德国双元制教育的英文:the german dual system of ed

出国留学 2019-03-08 10:18www.worldometers.cn出国留学咨询




  1. 德国双元制模式

     the german dual system model
  2. 北师大珠海分校 DFI 国际传媒设计课程从德国汉堡 DFI 学院引进了全球领先的德国“双元制”教育模式。引进此教育模式的目的在于解决目前国内高校日益突出的教学与实践... 

    beijing normal UNIVERSITY zhuhai CAMPUS DFI dfi international media design courses from germany hamburg college introduced a global leader in germany "dual system" education model. the introduction of this education model aimed at addressing the current domestic colleges and universities have become increasingly prominent in teaching and practice...
  3. 德国双元制模式应用

     the german dual system model and application
  4. 2014年2月21日 - Das duale Ausbildungssystem in Deutschland und dessen Einfürung in chinesischen Bildungswesen 摘要: 德国双元制职业教育是指由企业和非全日制... 

    February 21, 2014-dessen Einf Ausbildungssystem in Deutschland und Für das Duale rung in chinesischen bildungswesen summary: the german dual system vocational education is defined by enterprises and full-time...
  5. 办理德国双元制

     for the german dual system
  6. 2011年6月14日 - “双元制”是德国职业技术教育的主要形式。 1、什么是双元制高职教育模式 所谓双元制高职教育,是指学生在企业接受实践技能培训和在学校接受理论培养相... 

    June 14, 2011-"dual system" is germany's main form of vocational and technical education. 1, what is the dual system of vocational education model of so-called dual system of higher vocational education, is that students in enterprises acceptance of practical skills training and in schools to receive theoretical training phase...
  7. 双元制教育的弊端

     the drawbacks of dual system of education
  8. 2011年1月10日 - 职业学校的数量在全德国各州职业类学校中列第一位。“双元制”职业教育是指青少年既在企业里接受职业技能和与之相关的专业知识培训,又在职业学校里接... 

    January 10, 2011-the number of vocational schools in the whole of germany the cantons vocational schools in the first place in the list. "dual system" vocational education refers to young people both in the business to receive vocational skills and the expertise relating to training, also at vocational schools access...
  9. 德国双元制职业教育

     the german dual system of vocational education
  10. 2015年5月6日 - 与此相比,德国的双元制职业教育的代表特征是在企业和职业学校进行的平行式教育,具体来讲,企业每周向受训生提供3-4天的实践教育,职业学校每年向受训生... 

    May 6, 2015-in contrast, representatives of the german dual system of vocational education is characterized in businesses and professions parallel education in schools, in concrete terms, the enterprise on a weekly basis to provide three or four days of the detainee practice education, vocational schools to submit each year to the detainee to...

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