德语语法(英德对照)-Describing objects

世界语言 2022-11-22 17:53www.worldometers.cn世界语言排名
Adjectives are used to describe something, for example when you talk about size or colour.


In German adjectives take different forms depending on where they appear in a sentence.

They can appear after a verb.

However, when the adjective appears before a noun, you need to add an ending, for example -e after der, die or das.

Try guessing the right ending before displaying the answer

Das Auto ist groß. The car is big.
Die Frau ist klein. The woman is small.
Der Bär ist braun. The bear is brown.
Das große Auto. The big car.
Die kleine Frau. The small woman.
Der braune Bär. The brown bear.

When you want to say the big one or the small one in German, there's no word for one. All you need is der, die or das, depending on the noun of what you're referring to, plus the adjective on its own with the -e ending:

Der große kostet sechzehn Euro. The big one costs 16 euros.
Der kleine kostet sechs Euro. The small one cost 6 euros.

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