德语语法(英德对照)-Saying 'there' and 'there i

世界语言 2022-11-22 17:53www.worldometers.cn世界语言排名


To say there you use da or dort - both have a similar meaning, but dort is a bit more formal and often has the sense over there. Da can also mean here.

Die neue Foto-Ausstellung ist da.             The new photo exhibition is there.
Sie finden die Bar dort.                              You'll find the bar there.

There is and there are

To say there is... or there are... you use the very handy phrase es gibt. Unlike its English equivalents, es gibt doesn't change.

Es gibt eine Bar gleich um die Ecke.        There's a bar round the corner.
Es gibt da Toiletten.                                 There are toilets there.

Is there... and Are there...

If you want to find out what there is, you simply turn the expression around to form a question.

Es gibt ein Telefon.                       There is a telephone.
Gibt es ein Telefon                      Is there a telephone
Es gibt ein Schwimmbad.              There's a swimming pool.
Gibt es ein Schwimmbad             Is there a swimming pool
Es gibt da Toiletten.                      There are toilets there.
Gibt es da Toiletten                     Are there toilets there


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