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▲仅从字面意思来看,表示“对应词”的单词是 equivalent 或 counterpart,指两个或几个等同可用作替代物的东西或作用、性质等相当的事物。如:

The word has no equivalent in English. 这个词在英语中没有对应词。

a word which has no direct equivalent in English 在英语中找不到对应词的字

the difficulty of translating terms with no direct counterpart in the other language 翻译在另一种语言中没有直接对应词的词语的困难

▲而表示“反义词”的单词是 antonym 或 opposite,指两个或几个意义相反的词。如:

a dictionary of synonyms and antonyms
What’s the opposite of ‘optimistic’? “乐观的”一词的反义词是什么?

“Short” is the opposite of “tall”,and also of “long”. short 是 tall 的反义词,也是 long 的反义词。

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