
知识大全 2022-08-01 16:17www.worldometers.cn知识大全

英文是:Black list。black list 英[blæk list] 美[blæk lɪst] [词典] 不可信赖的公司[个人]的名单,黑名单; [例句]To put goods or people or a company on black list.将货物或人或公司写在黑名单上。

I'm on the black list, and which people are getting fired by the company. 我被列入黑名单,上面是要被公司炒鱿鱼的人。

The existence of a black list, of course, was not admitted. 当然谁也不承认黑名单的存在。

Chinese government has moved swiftly to clean up a black list of400 companies with substandard export products. 政府为此迅速列出了出口贸易商的「黑名单」,一共400家之多。

He definitely is on the black list for next year. 明年的黑名单铁定有它。

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