hot potato(英语课上hotpotato游戏怎么玩)

知识大全 2022-08-03 17:11www.worldometers.cn知识大全

Hot potato is a party game that involves players gathering in a circle and tossing a small object such as a beanbag or tennis ball to each other while music plays. The player who is holding the "hot potato" when the music stops is out. Play continues until only one player is left. The game is designed to be fast-paced and high-pressure and is often played by children. The game can also be played without music where there is a designated leader who shouts out "hot!" and the player holding the object is eliminated.

这个和我国的传手绢的游戏差不多。你需要一群人围成一个全,那一个小物件当成是“hot potato”,随着音乐的响起,小物件将会在人群中以顺时针或者逆时针的方向快速传递。等到音乐停止的时候,最后一个拿住小物件的人离场。这样循环直到只剩下最后一个。这个游戏是为了加快游戏者的传递动作和享受游戏中的高压。这个游戏也可以不用音乐的,不过会是有一个场外的裁判来喊”hot“,一旦他喊出来了。那么效果和音乐停止是一样的。

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