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父母的英语:parents读音:英 ['peərənts] 美 ['peərənts]n. 父母;双亲名词parent的复数形式.词汇搭配1、indulgent parents 溺爱孩子的父母2、foster parents 养父母3、Parents visit the school 家长来校参观4、Love your parents 爱父母常见句型:1、Children need their parents.孩子们需要父母。2、This is where a lot of parents go wrong.正是在这一点上许多父母都错了。3、You should not hurt your parents. 你不应该伤你父母的心。4、Telegraph to her parents at once. 立即给她父母打电报。扩展资料:部分家庭成员的英语1、son英 [sʌn]美 [sʌn]n. 儿子;孩子(对年轻人的称呼);男性后裔例句:She coddled her youngest son.她溺爱小儿子。2、daughter英 ['dɔːtə]美 ['dɔtɚ]n. 女儿;[遗][农学] 子代adj. 女儿的;子代的例句:My daughter is studying divinity.我的女儿在攻读神学。3、nephew英 ['nefjuː; 'nevjuː]美 ['nɛfju]n. 侄子,外甥例句:His nephew was an inquisitive and enthusiastic boy.他的侄子求知欲强,充满热情。4、niece英 [niːs]美 [nis]n. 外甥女,侄女例句:He became his niece's legal guardian.他成了他侄女的法定监护人。5、grandson英 ['græn(d)sʌn]美 ['ɡrænsʌn]n. 孙子,外孙例句:He could not believe that she would have hazarded her grandson.他无法相信她会让自己的孙子涉险。

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